Book Cheapest Flight Ticket Combo Flight and Hotel Package Deal

Winter season are preferable time for travel, now time to get cheap flight ticket form many online travel portal, also cabinet has passed new flight ticket booking rules for short distance, so why you are waiting for discounted flight ticket offer just search online travel portal honestrips book cheapest flight ticket, it also provide attractive flight and hotel packages deals, just call at 011 4000 8000 and customize your best flight and hotel packages deals.


Great relief news for air travelers, because cabinet has approved the new aviation policy, under which, you have to pay only Rs. 2500/- for one hour ride and Rs. 1200 pay for half an hour ride. Not only this, now within the 15 days amount will be refund in your account, 15 days will be calculate form the date of cancellation of fight ticket. Only Rs. 200/ have to pay for flight ticket cancellation.

Cabinet took this decision to stop the willfulness of airlines, along with cabinet made some important rule and regulation related to over booking and international flight ticket service. Up to Rs. 10000/ compensation will be paid if flight will cancel within 24 hour after takeoff, and also reduce the language charges you need to pay just Rs.100 extra for 5 kg extra weight of fixed weight limit (15kg).